16 August 2009

Aussie nuptials

Another opportunity for my favorite type of blog post—photos with minimal backstory. These snaps are from the July wedding in Australia of the daughter of one of my best friends. Myrna and I met in Greece almost forty years ago, when our geologist husbands were working in the Othris Mountains. We were born within a couple of weeks of each other, so Myrna flew over to Dorset for our joint 50th, and Michael and I finally made good on a decades-long promise to get to Montreal when our 60th rolled around in February 2008. Time is marching on, so, as Myrna says, we need to start celebrating our birthdays together every five years.

Here are mother and daughter looking more like sisters:

Bride and parents:

Groom and parents:

The Hynes contingent (from Montreal, Toronto, and Boston). Andrew's brother Richard looks more like him than his own twin does:


Husband and wife, a lawyer and the (soon-to-be—dissertation submitted) latest Dr. Hynes, a cognitive scientist:

Familes together:

Wedding party:

Catherine and bridesmaids:

Witty wedding cake (the groom doesn't like sweets):

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